3 large eggs (substitute 6 egg yolks for the whole eggs for a super rich curd (more recipes:
1/4 c. of honey
grated zest of one orange (1 1/2 T.)
1/2 c. of fresh orange juice
6 T. virgin coconut oil, ghee, or butter
In a medium stainless steel or enamel saucepan, whisk together the first three ingredients until light colored. Add the coconut oil, ghee or butter, breaking it into small clumps as you drop it into the pot for even melting. Then add the orange juice. Cook, whisking, over medium heat until the coconut oil is melted. Continue to cook until the mixture thickens and you start to see a few bubbles popping at the surface, and remove immediately from the heat, still whisking o prevent the eggs from getting overcooked. Scrape into a fine sieve set over a bowl, strain the curd by gently stirring through the sieve. Refrigerate for several hours to thicken. Will keep about one week in the refrigerator.