2 c. chopped corned beef
1 c. chopped cooked potato
1/4 c. minced onion
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1/4 c. low-sodium beef stock, heavy cream or water
1 T. butter, softened to room temperature
1 T. extra-virgin olive oil
1 T. chopped fresh parsley
Place corned beef, potato, onion, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add beef stock, cream or water. Mix gently with wooden spoon to combine and set aside.
Heat butter and oil in a 10-inch frying pan over low heat and swirl to coat bottom of pan. Add corned beef mixture and flatten with spatula. Cook until bottom of hash is crispy. Cut hash into sections to make flipping easier. Flip over with spatula. Press gently with spatula and cook until bottom is crispy. Turn hash onto serving dish; sprinkle with parsley.