On the first weekend in May (May 2-3) Callicrate Cattle Co. will host the annual spring open house, tour and barbecue cookout at St. Francis, Kan. Carpooling is available (or plan to drive your own vehicle); choose from a variety of lodging options. Call Nikowa for more specifics. Sign-up in store or on Facebook.
Saturday, May 2
1 p.m. Depart Ranch Foods Direct in Colorado Springs
4 p.m. Arrive in St. Francis, Kansas
6:30 p.m. Old fashioned cookout at Callicrate Cattle Co.
(featuring Callicrate Beef Burgers, Brats and more.)
Sunday, May 3
Local tour of Callicrate Cattle Co. (see the cows, pigs and chickens)
as well as the mobile meat processing unit and the new bio-char processor
Approx. 3 p.m. Depart St. Francis for Colorado Springs