by RanchFoodsDirect | Jun 17, 2016 | Events, Newsletter
Reservations due by 8 p.m. tonight (Friday) Long-time Ranch Foods Direct favorite Chef Kevin Campbell, just back from a visit with his charcuterie master in France, will prepare a 5-course meal from locally sourced and farm fresh food for this exciting on-farm dinner!...
by RanchFoodsDirect | May 4, 2016 | Newsletter
Made with meat from Ranch Foods Direct… “All the meat used for Kevin Campbell’s new charcuterie program, which should be available to customers by fall in individual and sandwich form, is raised by owner Mike Callicrate on his Kansas ranch. It will...
by RanchFoodsDirect | Aug 3, 2015 | Newsletter
Associate Publisher Nanna Meyer, above, holds a copy of a special preview edition of Local Food Shift magazine, which features an in-depth article about Avondale grower Dan Hobbs and how he helped to launch the first food hub in Southern Colorado. (You can find...